Welcome to Roseville Covenant Church!

You’re invited to join us every Sunday morning at 9:30am in-person or online.

From the Pastor’s desk

When William Golding wrote his famous 1954 novel about a group of school boys marooned on a desert island who turn on one another in chaos and violence, he borrowed the book's title from an old biblical demon called, "Be'elzebub" (2 Kings 2:1-3). The name roughly translates to, "The Lord of the Flies."  There is a moment in the story of Jesus that religious leaders are so outraged at Jesus they call him the Lord of the Flies! Jesus laughs at the absurdity and essentially says, "I'm not here in league with demons, I'm here to rob the devil!" (Mark 3:22-37).

What has enraged Jesus critics so much? He has befriended sinners (Mark 2:16). How does he answer his critics? The friend of sinners urges us to a purity of heart and a singular will (Mark 3:35). Christian life is a paradox: defined by both radical grace and radical holiness. We are strengthened by an unconditional love that does not count our sins, but we are also compelled by a vision of obedience that leaves no room in our hearts for devilish devices. Jesus isn't just out to make you feel better, but to mess up your life in a good kind of way. He's picking a fight with our demons, and taking us back from our captors. Who says the gospel is boring?

We’ll see you around church!

Pastor Matt

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