Welcome to Roseville Covenant Church!
You’re invited to join us every Sunday morning at 9:30am in-person or online.
From the Pastor’s desk
One of the reasons I love the book of Genesis is that it tantilizes us with some of the deepest questions of the human heart: Where did we come from? Why are we here? What went wrong? What are we meant for? How will we get back?
The first page Genesis looks at the cosmic scale of God's creative work, climaxing in the creation of humanity in the final verses of the first chapter. The second chapter zooms in from the status of humanity to look more closely at the purpose of a human being. We meet a solitary creature, alone in paradise, with all kinds of peace and happiness to enjoy and yet to this solitary creature the Almighty makes a bold observation, "It is not good for the man to be alone." (Genesis 2:18).
The solitary human is still incomplete until he finds community with someone who is like him, but also unlike him. The human being was made to know other people. The human being is made to love other people because the human being is made by a God who is a loving community: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. To know a God who is a loving community asks of us to seek a God from a place of loving community. For you, my brothers and sisters in Christ, I am grateful to God that I don't do this life alone.
We’ll see you around church!
Pastor Matt
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RCC Apparel
Rep RCC around town with your own RCC merch!
T-shirts, hood long-sleeve t-shirts, crewneck sweatshirts, and trucker hats are for sale through Sunday, January 19.
Use discount code RCC10 for $10 off each order.