Care for our youngest kids (0 - 3 years) during the Sunday worship service and Sunday School hour.
Classes that occur during the last portion of the worship service on Sunday mornings with a Bible lesson, craft, games, and snack. KidJam is for PreK-3rd grade. Kid45 is or 4-5th grade.
Sunday School meets after the worship service during the school year from 11-11:45am.
There are three classrooms: PreK and K, 1-3rd grade, and 4-5th grade.
Kids PreK-5th grade meet togetheron Wednesday nights from 6:30-8pm for music, Bible lesson, small group discussion, and games. All ages are invited to communty dinner beforehand at 5:45pm.
Every summer we gather four evenings in a row fo VBS. Kids get a chance to learn new songs, play games, create crafts, and hear God’s word.
RCC Children’s Ministry
We partner with parents to create environments that encourage kids to encounter God, build relationships with one another, and engage their hearts to impact their world for Christ.

Children’s Ministry Team
We love our volunteers and the way they commit to the kids in our church family.
The safety and care of children and youth is one of our top concerns. Every volunteer who works with children and youth at RCC is screened with a thorough background check and given training in child safety and abuse prevention.
Cheryl Mendez is RCC’s Director of Children’s Ministry.
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