Church Life

Whether you’re new to Roseville Covenant or have been here your whole life, our hope is that you feel part of the family.


We believe that prayer is a powerful way to connect with God and be transformed into the likeness of Jesus.

Click the link below to be added to our email Prayer Chain.

Fill out this form to send your prayer request to the RCC staff.
If indicated, your request will be sent to our email Prayer Chain.

Please be sure to gain permission before submitting prayer requests for someone other than yourself.

How We Love

Our congregation is a spiritual family. We strive to be like Christ in all our conduct towards one another. As a congregation we make these promises to one another in our “relational covenant” of loving behaviors:

  1. We care for each other, pray for each other, and commit our energies and resources towards the church’s mission.

  2. We believe the best in each other and give each other the benefit of the doubt.

  3. We demonstrate open, respectful communication and love one another enough to speak directly with each other. We avoid gossip and talk “face to face” when deliberating important matters. We support each other and hold each other accountable to this goal.

  4. We seek forgiveness when we cause pain for others and forgive when others cause us pain.

  5. We seek to discover what is best for our church as a whole, not what may be best for us as individuals or a particular group within the church. We recognize that the church is more than “me” it is “we”.

  6. We speak our opinions and listen to other opinions with charity, gentleness, and humility. We seek to understand before seeking to be understood.

  7. We respect and honor the offices of pastor and lay leaders. They will aim to be trustworthy, and ask for the trust of those they serve.

  8. We accept disagreement and even conflict as normal and healthy. Leaders, staff, and members will aim for consensus in our discernments, and strive to honor the decisions made even if they differ from our own views.


Membership is a special commitment to this church community that invites a person to become more deeply involved and invested the life of the church. We desire our members to help the church make wise decisions, use their gifts in service to others, and share their financial resources to be used to further the mission of RCC. Furthermore, membership is a pledge we make to one another to help each other remain faithful to Christ through ministries of prayer, care, service, and discipleship.

We offer membership class throughout the year. This class focuses on an understanding of our Covenant denomination and a deeper understanding of Roseville Covenant. If you choose to pursue membership we will be glad to guide you through the process.

Contact Pastor Matt if you have any questions about membership or desire to become one.