RCC Teams

RCC Teams offer spaces for people to contribute to the life of the church, no matter what your skills or giftings.

Check out our various teams below to see if one might be a fit for you. If you’d like to connect with someone about serving on a team, feel free to reach out to the contact person listed for that team. If you have other questions about RCC Teams in general, contact Pastor Karina.

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  • The Care Team's 'why': We imitate the compassion of Jesus through kindness towards brothers and sisters in their moments of need. Suffering is alleviated when you have people around you who want to help.

    An overview of the Care Team's work: We are responsive to people in moments of need including "visitation ministry" to the hospitalized and homebound, phone calls and cards for people in difficult times (sickness, crisis, grief), helping coordinate rides when transportation is difficult, bringing meals or other gestures, lending a hand for material needs during sickness or other challenges, prayer-chain and other opportunities to pray for people in need.

    You might make a great Care Team member if... You have a love for people and eagerness to be helpful, are a good listener and thoughtful encourager, have the time and ability to give occasional rides to appointments or deliver a meal, or possess an ability to lead others in prayer.

    Care Team leader and contact: Pastor Matt Kennedy; matt@rosevillecovenant.org; 253-549-8523

  • The Children's Ministry Team's 'why': We strive to love and teach children the basics of scripture and the promises of God to build a solid foundation of faith.

    An overview of the Children's Ministry Team's work: We love, teach, and nurture children to give them a practical example of the love that God has for them. We teach Bible stories and beginning Christian disciplines that will lead children as they grow deeper in their knowledge and understanding of living as a follower of Christ. This usually happens on Sunday mornings in the nursery, KidJam, and Sunday School and on Wednesday nights during Kid Connect.

    You might make a great Children's Ministry Team member if... You love Christ, love children, and want to make an impact on children's lives that will last a lifetime for both the child and you. We receive far more than we give!

    Children's Ministry Team leader and contact: Cheryl Mendez; cheryl@rosevillecovenant.org

  • The Decor Team's 'why': Our purpose is to facilitate hospitality and worship through God's gift of beauty

    An overview of the Decor Team's work: We decorate the sanctuary and other church spaces to make people feel welcome in our building. We create or purchase wreaths, flower arrangements, etc. and order materials that need replacing.

    You might make a great Decor Team member if... You enjoy crafting space to facilitate worship and beauty and are flexible to work with church budget and timeframes.

  • The Facilities Team's 'why': We seek to steward the building God has given us.

    An overview of the Facilities Team's work: We accomplish various projects to keep our church space safe and fresh, including painting, construction, cleaning, etc.

    You might make a great Facilities Team member if... You are skilled in an area of need and are flexible to meet needs as they come up (there is no regular schedule).

    Facilities Team leader and contact: Jon Holter; jon@rosevillecovenant.org; 651-633-5526

  • The Finance Team's 'why': We seek to steward the finances God has given us.

    An overview of the Finance Team's work: We count donations on Sunday mornings, make bank deposits, and are responsible for various other financial tasks.

    You might make a great Finance Team member if... You are good with numbers, trustworthy, and can commit to a regular schedule for counting.

    Finance Team leader and contact: Jon Holter; jon@rosevillecovenant.org; 651-633-5526

  • The Greeter Team's 'why': We want every person who walks into our church to be greeted with a genuine welcome as they come to a Sunday morning service for the first or hundredth time.

    An overview of the Greeter Team's work: We open doors, smile, shake hands, or hug those who enter the building on Sunday mornings for the church worship service.

    You might make a great Greeter Team member if... You have a desire to see others welcomed well and can commit to being part of a greeting team once a month.

    Greeter Team leader and contact: Gloria Peterson; gloriampeterson55@gmail.com

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  • The Lawn & Garden Care Team's 'why': We seek to steward the land God has given us by being a good neighbor and helping the church save money. We also work to create a pleasant outdoor space for our church family as well as the visiting wildlife that helps sustain all life.

    An overview of the Lawn & Garden Care Team's work: The Lawn Care team is responsible for mowing the church's grass once a week. The Garden Care team weeds, prunes, waters (and occasionally removes) the flowers, shrubs and trees on our property.

    You might make a great Lawn & Garden Care Team member if... You have a heart to serve and can work outdoors. Lawn Care team members commit to being part of a mowing team once a month throughout the mowing season (usually May through October). Garden Care team members work as needed throughout the season.

    Lawn & Garden Care Team leader and contact: Lawn: Dean Ericson; dean.ericson67@gmail.com; 651-428-8285; Garden: John Kramer; johndkramer55@gmail.com

  • The Outreach Team's 'why': The Outreach Team has a passion for extending ourselves to others and so works to promote ways others can give or get involved either locally or globally.

    An overview of the Outreach Team's work: The Outreach Team makes decisions about our church's support for local partners and global personnel. The team works to communicate about outreach opportunities and encourages involvement from the RCC congregation. The team is also involved in some of the work, including finding people to lead efforts or partner in efforts.

    You might make a great Outreach Team member if... you are passionate about extending yourself to others and ready to participate in the work or help with recruitment of others at church.

    Outreach Team leader and contact: Donna Peterson, peter080@umn.edu

  • The Tech / AV Team's 'why': The Tech/Audio/Visual Worship Team exists to support the work of the musical worship team by enabling the musical worship to be clearly transmitted both audibly and visually to worshippers live in the room or online via our livestream.

    An overview of the Tech / AV Team's work: The Tech/Audio/Visual Worship Team works prior to Sunday morning each week to prepare all projected content in ProPresenter. This includes the creation of song lyrics via our song library as well as curating all other slides and videos that will be used for a given morning (ie, announcements, sermon slides, etc.). On Sunday mornings, this team arrives by 7:30 am to begin turning on equipment in the booth, setting up all audio equipment on the platform, and setting various sound and camera levels needed for the morning. This team is also responsible for pushing the livestream up to our YouTube site as well as pulling audio for an RCC sermon podcast (new/under construction). From time to time, this team is called upon to serve for non-Sunday tech support, such as special events in the gym or funerals.

    You might make a great Tech / AV Team member if... You understands the nature of what we are endeavoring to create for our people each week. You bring a technical aptitude and skill set that often requires previous experience but can be taught/trained in for certain things. Attention to detail is very important in this work. This team recognizes that while the work they do is technical, it is no less spiritual in its nature of supporting the overall act of worship in the gathering.

    Tech / AV Team leader and contact: Michele Arndt; michele@rosevillecovenant.org

  • The Worship Team's 'why': The Worship Team exists to create a spirit-filled atmosphere where we can encounter the living God and worship Jesus through our instruments and voices, songs, prayers and guided reflections. We believe worship is part of our spiritual formation individually and communally.

    An overview of the Worship Team's work: The Worship Team collaborates each week to choose worship elements that tell a single story of a given worship gathering from start to finish. We consider both the musical (songs/instruments) and artistic (readings/visual) elements needed to create a meaningful and experiential worship atmosphere. We choose a variety of music that draws from the strong history and heritage of the church universal, including hymns and fresh worship songs as appropriate, while reflecting the unique culture and style of our congregation.

    You might make a great Worship Team member if... You have musical aptitude and a certain level of skill in singing or playing an instrument. Members of this team understand the nature of what we are endeavoring to create for our people each week. They practice a personal lifestyle of worship, understand their role individually, and prepare ahead of time for this role each week. They also understand how their respective roles as a vocalist, or instrumentalist, works together with all of the other roles aimed at the single vision of our gathered worship.

    Worship Team leader and contact: Michele Arndt; michele@rosevillecovenant.org

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  • The Usher Team's 'why': We meet practical needs of those coming to worship so the congregation can feel welcome and safe.

    An overview of the Usher Team's work: We hand out bulletins, offer directions, collect donations, and other tasks to help the Sunday morning service go smoothly.

    You might make a great Usher Team member if... You have a heart to serve and can commit to being part of an usher team once a month.

    Usher Team leader and contact: Keith and Wendy Swanson; kwswanson2000@gmail.com

  • The Youth Team's 'why': We love teenagers and desire to see them follow the way of Jesus.

    An overview of the Youth Team's work: We create relationships with 6th - 12th graders through various programs and events, including Sunday School, Confirmation, Wednesday Community Nights, TreeHouse Support Group, and other special events.

    You might make a great Youth Team member if... You care about teenagers, can meet them where they are at, and offer them a grace-based relationship.

    Youth Team leader and contact: Pastor Karina Johnson; karina@rosevillecovenant.org; 913-787-2829